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Why Photo?

I’m still asking this question, and why at this moment at the end of September 2008.

The markets supported the biggest and deep drop after September 11th 2001, and I’m buying photo!

Well, normally when markets crash and consequently I lose money I buy. It is not sense because I lose twice, but in some way I need to satisfy myself, so I buy art!

Why photo? I discovered Lydia Venieri in a magazine, afterwards I decided to take a tour to Grace and Priscilla which works I knew from two years ago and I was flashed with the link between them. Then I decided that I could start a section of photography in my collection based in the aim of the whole collection: politics and social issues.

I believe the three match perfectly in this aim and make more strong the whole collection.

It’s also curious that the three are women. It seem that women are more sensitive to this issues than men.

I’m really happy to have the opportunity to contact them directly, exchange mails and have them in my collection.
