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Born in Athens, Greece. Studied at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts, and later lived in Paris. Now she is based in New York.

Selected Exhibitions

2007 War Games, Gallery Quang, Show Off!, Paris

War Games: New Photographs, Stux Gallery, New York

SCOPE 07, Stux Galley, Basle

Art Athina, Luxe Gallery, Athens

Art Chicago, Luxe Gallery, Chicago

"The Nightly News" curated by Kathleen Goncharov and Stephan Stoyanov, Luxe, New York

2006 Forever After, Gallery 3, Athens

The Venieri Tarot, Gallery Quang, Show Off!, Paris

War Games, Gallery Luxe, FIAC 2006, Paris

The Last Conflict, Location One, New York

For Ever After, Luxe, New York

"Oh, You Beautiful Doll" curated by Douglas F. Maxwell, Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York

2005 ARTISSIMA 12, Luxe Gallery, Turin

Platonic Exodus - FIAC 2005, Luxe Gallery, Paris

It's Not About Sex, Luxe Gallery, New York

Propos d'Europe IV, Fondation Hippocrene, Agence de Rob Mallet-Stevens, Paris

Art Athina, Luxe Gallery, Athens

Flash Art Fair, Luxe Gallery, Milano

Diva, Luxe Gallery, New York

For Ever After, Gallery Quang, Paris

2004 Sleeping Beauty Conscience, Mid-Manhattan Library, New York

Sarah & Lorraine, set design, Storefront Theatre, Chicago

FIAC 2004, Gallery Luxe, Paris

Art in General, studio visit, New York

Tower of Symbols Outdoor sculpture for the Olympic Summer, Athens

Athens Hibernation - Olympic Summer, Vernikos Foundation, Kastella, Athens

Hibernation,, Luxe Gallery, New York

Drawings, Luxe Gallery, New York

2003 Alive In New York, Eugenia Cucalon Gallery, New York

Centre Culturel Hellenique, Paris

2002 FIAC 2002, VideoNovella, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris

Atelier Mallet Stevens, Paris

Centre Cultural de Marrousi, Athens

Hibernation, Gallerie Three, Athens

Hibernation, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris

2001  Summer Celebration, Sundaram Targore Gallery, New York

Storm On Moon, Selini Gallery, Athens

Greek gods and Heroes, Centre for Contemporary Art in Dordrecht

Beyond Being, Space Untitled, New York

2000 Greek Contemporary Art, Glassing Gallery, Munster

Beyond Being, Galerie Three, Athens

L'Oeil De La Galerie "Samy Kinge", Selini Galerie, Athens

Axiome Lambda, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris

Beyond Being, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique

1999 3A Water Melons, Beneton, Cinema Phiri, Athens

Pret Art Porter, Dakis Ioannou Fondation, Athens

Aproaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, Cultural Centre, Stockholm, Sweden

Aproaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, Dazarma Museum, Falum, Sweden

Touch of Art in Ordinary Objects, Selini Gallery, Athens

Opening of Posibilites, Hewlett Packard, Gazi, Athens

Aproaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, Vaiden Castle, Luxembourg

Art Quake, Benakiom Museum, Athens

Who is Nostalgic, Galerie Vourkariani, Kia, Greece

Aproaching Hellinism: Generation 80s & 90s, National Gallery of Greece, Athens

1998 Triptych, Downtown Gallery, Athens

Art & Technology Festival, Eleana Tounta Gallery, Athens

Trash Art, Gazi, Athens

Croix Rouge, Athens,

Flying Art, Municipality of Athens, Varvakio Square, Athens

1997 Two Strangers on the Moon, Galerie Selini, Athens.

Cool Memories ?, with Alfredo Romano, Patrick Raynaud, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique.

1996 Manifesta 1, Rotterdam.

Pandora's Box, Women/Beyond Borders, California & Basle

1995 Anima Mundis, Art Space X, Athens.

International Video Art Festival, Syracuse, Italy.

FIAC 1995, "Fin", Gallerie Samy Kinge, Espace EIFFEL Branely, Paris

Manifeste Tellurique III, Gallerie Samy Kinge, Paris

1994 Manifeste Tellurique II, Galerie lola Nikolaou, Thessalonique

Manifeste Tellurique I, Gallerie d'Athens, Athens

Premiere Rencontre Internationale de Sculpture, Centre Culturel Europeen de Delphes, Delphes

1993 Anima Mundis, Banque Franco-Hellenique, Larissa

1992 Ermata. Errance du Sacre, Galerie Montenay, Paris

Spira I. Douze Createurs Grecs, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid

Metamorphoses du Moderne, Pinacotheque Nationale Athenes

1990 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Asbaek Pilon, Copenhague

Exposition personnelle,Les Sistres du Temps, Ancien Musee Archeologique Municipalite de Thessalonique

1989 Biennale Internationale de Jeunes Createurs, Musee Skirnion, Athenes

Espirt et Corps, sous les auspices du Ministere de la Culture Grec, Zappion Athens

Celebration de la Terre, organisation par Earth Trust, Centre Culturel du Parc de la Liberte, Athenes

Humour et Revolution, organisee a l'occation de 200 ans de la Revolution Franciase,

Biennale de Cannes, Cannes et Barcelone

1988 Image et Lettre, Galerie Niki Diana Marquardt, Paris

Salon de Montrouge, Paris

FIAC 1988, Galerie Samy Kinge, Grande Palais, Paris

Les Figures De Lydia, Galerie Medoussa, Athenes

Exposition de l'Institue Francais d'Athenes, Salle Costis Palamas, Athenes

1987 Exposition Panhellenique, Piree

1986 Exposition personnelle, Galerie Samy Kinge,

Paris Salon des Comparaisons, Grande Palais, Paris

Biennale de Jeunes Createurs de la Mediterannee Europeenne, Thessalonique

1985 Salon de Mai, Grande Palais, Paris

1983 Exposition a l'Ateilier de Yankel, Galeire Bernanos, Paris